Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Dreams & Death of Autotune and BlackBerry representin

For your viewing and listening pleasure...

The Dream and Death of Autotune - Thanks to Jay-Z and lazy rappers for the inspiration. Good look Shiver S Productions on the video.


Just for fun - The Official iPhone Diss Track - BlackBerry in the house. Carlton went crazy on this one.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Good times on the mic...

More new music to check (new blog on the way):


Death of Autotune - thanks for the "inspiration" Jay-Z.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Monday, March 23, 2009

Live at John St Bar NYC

Great show on Saturday. New artists sometimes get caught up in the pursuit of exposure, but in reality, the best part of performing is fueling and feeding off of positive energy. That said, here are the videos:

When You Hear Truth:

Hope Lives On and Art On Fire:

Who needs a beat?:

Tribute to the greats:

O Saya Remix (scroll down to download):

Monday, March 16, 2009

New Music!

Always feels good to rock the mic with some new tracks. Three fresh ones for your listening pleasure:

O Saya (Tsunami Remix) - Inspired by the OSCAR WINNING Slumdog Millionaire

Download here.

Breathe, Let It Go - Inspired by Training Day

Download here.

Questions and Answers - Featuring my boy VJ from the Bay Area

Download here.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

25 things about me

Those of you on Facebook might have seen these "25 things about me" lists circulating among friends. I was tagged on one of those lists so I had to return the favor. Here it is:

1) Humor is the ultimate solution. For everything. And no, jokes never die…they only grow and evolve.

2) I like to surround myself with people who challenge me, force me to think, and compel me to improve. They are not always aware of this impact on me, but trust me, it happens. I proposed to the person who does this the most.

3) I’ve recently come to face the reality that my “golden age of music” has passed. I believe that time was 1996-2003. Even the artists who I grew up listening to – 2pac, Nas, Jay-Z – just aren’t the same anymore. The situation holds for today's R&B as well. If a CD compels me to pull out a piece of paper and pen or pick up the phone and call somebody, the music has succeeded. I appreciate good “candy” music for the clubs, but not even club music has the same quality as the past. Sorry, I don’t need dance instructions. Ultimately, I need my dinner. I recall Derek telling me that music is a product of the times; nonetheless, I think that truth hasn’t held true in recent years. It’s become too simplistic and formulaic for me. Much love to the rebels who live in the shadows: Mos Def, Talib Kweli, Q-Tip, Lupe Fiasco, The Roots.

4) The best result of me living in relative isolation in Wilkes Barre for two years was developing a strong sense of discipline. Self improvement has always been important to me, especially through college. Once I entered the working world, I developed a stronger understanding of what I would need to do to ensure that I was on the right path. Better nutrition, a more effective workout regimen, and even a stronger basketball game followed. Discipline is one of the first things that I will teach my kids.

5) I don’t believe in regrets. Partially because I’m always looking at the present and future, and also because I work hard to be fully aware of the choices I make. My mind doesn’t shut down very often so I am always thinking about the pros and cons of the decisions in front of me.

6) I idolize people who relentlessly move in the direction of their truths. I pair conviction with discipline…that’s why I look up to people like Malcolm X, the Dalai Lama, Barack Obama, and Kobe Bryant.

7) If I call, message, and/or e-mail you, you better respond. You can and should expect me to do the same for you. Hold me accountable.

8) Dancing is one of the best forms of creative release. It’s one of those things that just made sense to me over the years. I’m not saying I’m the Will Hunting of the dance floor, but it’s true that dancing works itself out in my mind before it happens in the physical. On a separate note, some of my best memories from college and high school are not just the performances, but even more so, the dance practices. It was amazing how we brought synergy to life and had a great time in the process.

9) Most people say that I am just like my mom but I also share a number of my dad’s characteristics. The connections to my mom are easily apparent - we’re both psychotic and we’re eternal optimists. As for my dad, I gained some of his discipline, stubbornness, and sternness.

10) My role in the Penn State Indian Student Association taught me a lot about leadership. I learned about teamwork, collectively chasing a vision, and setting a cultural standard. What I appreciate the most about my final year with the ISA board is that we always tried to make the “right” decision. We wanted to represent our membership base while challenging them at the same time. I felt like everyone was invested in each other’s work and that is the path to team excellence.

11) I try to stay consistent and congruent at all times, but I sometimes contradict myself. For example, I enjoy spontaneity but I also order the same thing every time at most restaurants. I also love chain establishments. As Talib has said, I stick to my meat & potatoes.

12) Being a Sri Lankan means you are the coolest cat on the block. OK maybe that isn’t true, and yes, Sri Lankans tend to start a lot of fights in urban areas, but me, my family, Matt, Tim, and Gaya are pretty damn cool.

13) I love celebrating success. I’m always looking forward to the next result that needs to be achieved yet I won’t hesitate to acknowledge and appreciate the wins along the way. I don’t have a definition of ultimate success, so I guess that means I’ll have opportunities to be celebrating for a long time.

14) I can’t survive without basketball. If you are a basketball fan and you haven’t read Phil Jackson’s “Sacred Hoops”, go to Barnes & Noble right now. Basketball represents much more than a sport. It is the athletic embodiment of culture, teamwork, dedication, and leadership. During a recent discussion, Rahul pointed out that basketball requires a certain level of spirituality in order to reach the pinnacle of greatness. I love the fact that even a non-basketball player can recognize that quality within the sport. We get so caught up in the flash and form of the game that we forget the substance, the nuts-and-bolts, the attention to detail, and the intangibles that separate the greats from the rest. On a tangential note, college basketball does NOT compare to pro basketball. Yes, college basketball requires the same qualities as pro basketball, but the delta in skill levels and execution makes pro basketball the ultimate demonstration of the sport.

15) I am absolutely vicious when it comes to videogaming. Many have fallen and several will fall in decades to come. No mercy my friends…this is a tough world. My favorite videogaming story comes from a family party in Tampa a few years ago. We were cleaning up at the house when a little kid – maybe 6 or 7 years old – challenged me to Mario Kart on the Nintendo 64. Big mistake. I had to get back to the cleaning so I figured I’d make it quick. I lapped him, wrapped it up, and walked away…while he was still racing. Apparently he had a sad look of failure on his face as I dropped my controller. I wasn’t trying to be mean, but hey, nothing comes easy in this life.

16) I have been fortunate to work for one of the best corporations in the world – Procter & Gamble – and one of the best non-profits in the country – Teach For America. I feel like I grew 10 years while working at P&G. During my time at Teach For America, I’ve been able to lead initiatives that truly matter in the lives of others. Both companies allowed me to be “in touch” and deliver a meaningful and measurable impact. I need that.

17) I love coaching and developing others, both formally and informally. I’ve been known to be rough but I’ve also been known to make things happen.

18) I pay close attention to marketing. Of course you do Mohan, you’re a marketer. Yes I am. In actuality, marketing matters to me because the best campaigns are conscious. Not necessarily socially conscious, just conscious. My favorite current campaigns are run by Starbucks (“RED” and volunteering), Nike (ankle insurance), and GE (alternative energy).

19) My friends and family represent a diverse array of interests, backgrounds, and paths to the future. Nevertheless, the ones who are closest to me have some distinct similarities. In one hour, we can go from a philosophical debate to sports to an endless stream of mindless jokes.

20) I enjoy creating videos and I plan to make several more in 2009. See “Making the Wedding” and “Ninja Cat” for a sample of my work. We’ve got a big one on the way in February. If you have a cool concept for a video, let me know…I’m game.

21) I think the best way to get to know me is to play basketball with me. My basketball persona is, in many ways, an exaggerated version of my everyday self. For most of my life, I’ve been a pure point guard, though I’ve turned into more of a combo guard in recent years. I pass first and score when necessary. Above all, I always D up. Whatever it takes to win the game. I love scoring on people but nothing makes me more proud (in individual terms) than shutting down the opposing team’s best scorer. This mentality is, relative to past generations, missing in today’s game. Can’t say I’m an absolute fundamental purist though…I always appreciate a nice pass or crossover.

22) I am not a panicky investor and I will not pull my money out of the market until it is absolutely necessary. I don’t want to be a part of the country’s negative economic momentum.

23) I have a somewhat unhealthy dissatisfaction with the status quo. I love pushing new ideas forward and I always encourage others to do the same.

24) I tend to avoid predictions for the sake of enjoying the ride or fear of jinxing the outcome. My sister doesn’t share this disposition.

25) I'm down to work with you on a project. Any thoughts?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Blaggards Show and Kobe's 61

Performing at Blaggard's

THX and 360

Discipline and Table for Two

Green Jacket and Movement